All foreign bodies, whether they are part of the fruit or not, wood, insects, plastic, stones, metal or glass splinters, are removed from the product stream regardless of color, shape, surface or density – chemical composition is the only factor taken into account. In‑line monitoring of water content prevents mold formation, and it is also possible to record the fat content of oleaginous fruits. Insort is the only player in the market to offer sorting for rancidity (patent pending).
The association “Great Hope for Children” has a clear mission: To provide children and young adults in Nairobi with an education in order to break the cycle of poverty that has been recurring for generations. Around 150 children, of which approximately 70 are orphans, are currently being cared for.
„We at Insort are proud to accompany and support Great Hope for Children on all levels.“
Eva Jeindl-Gombocz, CFO Insort